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Four4Free Visit Scheme

With the cost-of-living crisis, we’re aware that today’s financial climate has put pressure on everyone, requiring many to tighten their belts.

With this in mind, we also understand the impact and stress it can cause when your horse or pony has a problem you would like to discuss with your vet and get looked at,  and unexpected vet fees arise. This is why we try our best to create useful, cost-effective offers and clinics to help where possible.


The Four4Free vet visit scheme is to help our registered clients reduce their veterinary costs. 

Horses must be at the same location within our usual practice catchment area, but can be owned by different owners. 

Please get together with others on your yard to book our Four4Free visit or if you have your horse at home, ask your friends to box up and come to you so you can all benefit.


When you book the visit we will need the details of all owners and horses and what it is you would like the vet to look at so we can block out enough time. Appointments can be used for all non-vaccine appointments (Vaccines continue to be bookable on our zone visit scheme) and are available Monday to Friday.


Call our friendly Client Care team on 01622 737884 to book your appointment.


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